Page name: Port Farlingrad [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-08 22:02:15
Last author: snowwolfsa
Owner: snowwolfsa
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        Welcome to Port Farlingrad

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A Beautifull cove, surrounded by green grass, wich extend outwards a way before it hits the sands that surround the city of Farlingrad. This is the port of farlingrad, if you are comeing to farlingrad city by ship, this is more-likely where you will end up, its a typical ship port, shipping buisness come in an out on a regular basis

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2006-08-08 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *as the port come into view over the horizon, you can suddenly hear the man in the crowsnest yell "LAND HO!" just as the watchman had finished yelling, another member of the crew ran up to the captain "Sir, there are three Class A Tallships sitting a few meters off the coast... they seem battle ready an look to be waiting for somthing" the crewman spoke, as the captain took out a small retractable telescope out of his pocket looking threw it "hmmm ive never seen an emblym like that, white sails with a red cross" he spoke

2006-08-08 [dead~spirit]: Reaver: *peered over at the ships.. his eye's watching for any sign of attack.*

2006-08-10 [Yelsa]: Yelsa: *Looking out over the edge of the crowsnest she blinked at the ships she saw. Her breath clentching at the sight. Looking down at the captain she started to panic, but quickly controled herself. "Men" didn't panic. Jumping over the edge she slid down one of the ropes and went over in time to hear the report of the Tallships already being made. Standing by the rail she waited anxiously to see what would happen.*

2006-08-10 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *watches as the three ships begain to sail in this direction "damn, i dont think they are comeing to offer us cookies....." he sighed "alright, prepare for combat!" he yelled as the crew rushed, getting the ship ready for combat, otheres prepared to board or be boarded...

2006-08-10 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *leaning against the rail, he smirked some as the ships bearing the red cross aproached

2006-08-10 [dead~spirit]: Reaver:*unsheathed his two swords, and stood in place propping his foot onone of the cannons..* "i been waiting to see what this thing could do.."

2006-08-10 [Yelsa]: Yelsa: *Pulling out her sword she went to the rail, preparing to bored one of the other ships when the time came. She was deathly pale and shaking slightly.*

2006-08-10 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *smirks some "lets give them a taste of the 'Big Gun'" he spoke, as a crew members nods an rushes over to the helm, he pulled a small rope the was beside the helm of the ship, as he started to pull the rope seemed to come out of the hole a long distance, an more crew members started to help him pull, as they did that a large door in the front of the ship begain to open, an the barrel of a large Cannon 10 times the size of the small ones on deck was slowly peaking its way out the openning

2006-08-10 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *still leaning against the railing he peered over the edge of the ship as he seen the barrel makes it way out the opening

2006-08-10 [dead~spirit]: Reaver: *starts to mess with the cannon on the side* "I want to fire this!"

2006-08-12 [Yelsa]: Yelsa: *Looking over the rail she spotted the large cannon. Her face going even whiter as she looked back to the aproaching ships. She was slightly scared to be honest, but for personal reasons that the others wouldn't understand. Clamping her mouth tightly she watched, that being the only thing she really could do at the moment.*

2006-08-13 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *jumping up on the railing of the ship, he reached in his coat pulling out two small daggers an whipping them downwards at the ropes holding the large cannon, the two ropes that held the barrel firlmly where sliced in half by the daggers, causeing the cannon to lose ballance an fall forward, causeing the whole front of the ship to sink down alittle into the water the back end raiseing up into the air as teh large cannon fell out of teh ship, he then spun around, on the railing as the ship slowly leveled out again, after takeing major front end damage

2006-08-13 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *grabbing the helm as the ship went tilted to steady himself so not to slide down the deck into the water, glareing at pryce as the ship leveled out again "pryce!? what the hell are you doing?"

2006-08-13 [dead~spirit]: Reaver: *was holding onto the rope, but let go as one of the pirates guns slid over to him. He grabbed it, and was watching Pryce.*

2006-08-13 [Yelsa]: Yelsa: *Having been looking over the edge at the cannon she was flung over the rail when the ship tilted. She reached over and barely managed to catch herself on the rail, dangling over the side. One of the other men quickly came and helped pull her back up. After she was safely back over she looked at the dark water she had nearly plundged into then turned her angry gaze to Pryce.* What in all hells was that about?!!

2006-08-13 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *shook his head "do you honistly think id let you use that cannon on my ships? tsk tsk, you should know better then that my dear captain" he spoke as he stepped off the railing onto the deck "... ive been planning this for a long time, next to the United Nations restoreing themselves, this little pirate ship could pose a threat to us... you see we've waited to long for a chance to reclaim are we are not about to let it be snatched away, by you! or anyone else for that matter!"

2006-08-13 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *watching pryce now, his hand readied on the huilt of one of his sheathed cutlasses "... those ships, they are yours?...." sighing as he drew his sword " i dont know what your talking about, but i will not let you sink this ship"

2006-08-14 [dead~spirit]: Reaver:*aims at Pryce, and shoots.*

2006-08-14 [Yelsa]: Yelsa: *She gasped slightly at what had just been said. Looking back at the ship she got scared. Hearing the gun shot she looked back at what was going on.*

2006-08-14 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *smirked some as a bit of hair fell from the side of his head hed obviously dodged, but it was to fast to see "... nice try, but your efforts are pointless...."

2006-08-14 [snowwolfsa]: Captain: *looking to reaver "..dont waste your bullets on him, ill take care of him, you get ready with the crew, make sure the ships do not board us" he spoke as he then turned back to face pryce for a moment before looking back at reaver "... dont be a hero...this is just a ship.... you an the crew abandon ship if neccessary"

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